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ALP debates with DIGIMIC to plan policy - in 2002, 2003, 2006 and now again in 2008.
ALP debates with DIGIMIC to plan policy - in 2002, 2003, 2006 and now again in 2008.
August 26, 2021

Staging Connections - proud to use DIGIMIC® DC10 again - 2002, 2003, 2006, 2008...

Many events require a high level of specialised technical support and it's important that the technology supports the event without compromising it in any way.

The Australian Labor Party (WA Branch) 2002 State Conference was such an event.

High level technology with low profile presence was in place to effectively delivery the content - the real star of the show!

Attended by 320 delegates including Dr Geoff Gallop MLA (W.A. Premier), Hon. Simon Crean MP (Leader Federal Parliamentary Labor Party), Kim Beazley (former ALP leader) and Bill Johnstone (ALP W.A. State Secretary), this was a working meeting the purpose of which was to ratify a draft platform. The brief required that all delegates, who were seated board room style at long tables, had a clear view of either stage or screen. This required four large screens to be erected; one on each wall so that image magnification could be used to project presenters and their data.

ALP debates with DIGIMIC to plan policy

Hon. Simon Crean MP addresses the faithful.

Chairing the meeting was the Hon. Michelle Roberts MLA, (ALP W.A. President). She and her team needed to be kept up to the minute with the several hundred amendments generated throughout the meeting. This was accomplished seamlessly by networking a laptop to a purpose built Secretariat office in the next room where all the information was processed and keyed in.

In the past the process of capturing these amendments was much more difficult explained Dr Sally Talbot, ALP Assistant State Secretary: "Before this technology was available we used to have to photocopy every amendment 320 times and distribute the copies to delegates. Now we just press a button and the information appears up on the big screens."

Digimic microphone
Chairman's simple push button controller

At left a Digimic microphone and at right, the chairman's simple push button controller. The nature of the meeting was that the focus was not entirely on the stage area; everyone has the opportunity to participate. To facilitate this process a series of DIGIMIC microphones were required throughout the room but these needed to be controlled from one source so that only one DIGIMIC microphone was live at any one time and the Chair could regain control at any point.

Ryan Taylor, Staging Connections Technical Event Manager, solved the problem with a unique system of microphones called DIGIMIC®.

Set throughout the room and mounted on their own tripods and linked to a DIGIMIC push button plug and play switchboard controlled by the Chair, these mics light up when live so the chair can very easily tell whose microphone is active!

"We had a lot of cluey, clever, cool people working on this at our end," said Dr Talbot. "The technology was superb."

Thanks to Ryan Taylor and Staging Connections in having the faith to use our DIGIMIC microphones.

Australia wide Staging Connections dry hire our BRAMSHAW DIGIMIC microphone systems. We pack them, program them and send them out with simple but concise instructions for the Staging staff to set up themselves, test, run and then repack into easy to pack aluminium dust proof containers.

"...you told me and I forgot,
you showed me and I saw,
you involved me and remembered."

be sure. BRAMSHAW®

ALP debates with DIGIMIC to plan policy - in both 2002, 2003, 2006 and 2008.

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