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Wireless Tour Guide Audio Systems
Hire, Sales & Rental
One way Tour Guide or two way ListenTalk Tour Guide Audio Transmitting & Receiving Systems

Our wireless Tour Guide Systems portable audio transmitters and receivers are the perfect tool for both small conferences and on-the-move delegates that require continual contact with their lecturer, tour guide or speaker and furthermore configured as our SilentPA for exhibitions where PA systems are not wanted to intrude on other stands.If a tour is in more than one language then TourGuide can be configured as shown below or you can ask for our ListenTalk 2 way TourGuide system. Click here for more technical details.

In this case (see cartoon below) our tour guide speaks only English and all her English speaking bridge-building admirers can listen directly to her whilst our other delegates/voyeurs listen via their simultaneous interpreter who is not only listening to her but translating & speaking Italian. " .. and note the wonderful curves indeed!"

You can view purchase details of our TourGuide Audio Systems products including TourGuide microphones and TourGuide Headsets in our Listen Technology Tour Guide Systems online catalogue. Always check with us for latest prices as they are subject to AUD fluctuations.

PS - strictly speaking translation is for the written word and translated word for word from one language to another.  Interpreting is called just that because the interpreter interprets what is being said and reproduces it with very little delay into another language.  You try and speak in the same language as someone who is speaking to you repeating it simultaneously in the same language - not easy is it!

Eavesdropping? Not with infra-red. It uses our digital infra-red light for sound transmission - not radio waves.

Our digital receivers can also be used in broad daylight or under floodlights with no change in sound quality.

In this case (see cartoon below) our tour guide speaks only English and all her English speaking bridge-building admirers can listen directly to her whilst our other delegates/voyeurs listen via their simultaneous interpreter who is not only listening to her but translating & speaking Italian. " .. and note the wonderful curves indeed!"

You can view purchase details of our TourGuide Audio Systems products including TourGuide microphones and TourGuide Headsets in our Listen Technology Tour Guide Systems online catalogue. Always check with us for latest prices as they are subject to AUD fluctuations.

Tour guide microphones and headset speakers

Ear Shell Headphone

Simple and inconspicuous Tour Guide headphone that enables easy listening to the tour guide or a nearby colleague.Hearing loops can also be supplied so that TourGuide Audio Systems can be used with hearing aides.

Tour Guide 1 Way Receive

We can lock or preset the channels which can be easily read along with battery life on the easy to read screen on this Tourguide Systems receiver. 'AA' alkaline batteries are supplied to last the entire rental period and if required rechargeables can be supplied.

Tour Guide Microphone

This 'Madonna tour guide mic' either sits comfortably on the head as shown above or on your neck or shirt collar. All positions are very comfortable and guarantee clear transmission regardless of head movement.

Tour Guide 1 Way Transmitter

Like the Tourguide Systems receiver the Tour Guide Systems transmitter has an easy to read display showing channel number and battery life. The channels can be easily changed to suit local conditions and locked to stop delegate 'fiddling'.

ListenTalk 2 Way receiver & transmitter

With a red cap it becomes a tour guide leader with a twist. It can transmit and also receive questions back from delegates & co leaders if set that way.No red cap & it’s a receiver but it can talk back to the leader if set.And much more! Follow this link to see.

For purchasing you can view details of all our wireless Tour Guide Audio Systems products in the Listen Technology Tour Guide Systems Catalogue - .

Tour Guide and the Canadian Prime Minister Jean Cretien.

Our wireless Tour Guide Systems have been used for many meetings including CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) at Coolum in Queensland and Perth, Western Australia, at the Pacific Islands Heads of Governments Meeting in Cairns to enhance the sound system for some of the Heads of State who required help with the different 'accents' being spoken. At any one time most of the sixty or so Heads of Government were using the system and without help because it was so user friendly.

The current Chinese Premier, Xi Jinping, and his team even booked TourGuide for their bilateral talks at the G20 Heads of Government meeting in Brisbane.

For purchasing you can view details of all our TourGuide Systems products in the Listen Technology Tour Guide Systems Catalogue - always check with us though as prices change with AU$ fluctuations.

Sales & Rental Quote Form

To obtain a quotation for prices or costs of TOUR GUIDE Systems rental and/or purchase, go to the TOUR GUIDE Systems Quote inquiry form page.

More information?

For Tour Guide prices or quotes or ListenTalk ® Tour Guide Audio Systems equipment rental or sales inquiries please submit a Tour Guide Quote Request Form, call us on 1800 507 557 or use our Contact us form to submit an enquiry.

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Simultaneous Interpreters - How we listen to many languages in our own tongue.

TourGuide 1 Way purchase details in our
purchase details in our
Or .. .
ListenTalk 2 way Tour Guide Audio Systems
which allows             two way discussion between speakers and delegates - it's all in the set up - one way or two way.