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Bramshaw QA system promoted to ISO9001:2000
Bramshaw QA system promoted to ISO9001:2000
August 26, 2021

2001 - Bramshaw existing QA system upgraded to AS/NZS 9001:2000.

Quality Systems - Quality Endorsed Company AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000

The management and staff team at BRAMSHAW® are thrilled to announce that our QA, or quality assurance system, has been (August 2001) upgraded from AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994 to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000.

Our third party auditor, Australian Standard's Quality Assurance Services found, during a routine audit in August 2001, that not only did our systems comply with ISO 9002 but the quality of our systems meant that we were recommended to be promoted to ISO 9001.

In part their report stated: "The audit revealed that that the quality management system is in place, under control and supported by all staff.   Activities in conference communications ... have been captured in the system and are implemented to documented procedures."

Managing Director, Simon Kemp, stated:

"We are very proud to be one of very few suppliers in the conference industry to have adopted quality assurance to a fully audited status. The benefits, especially in terms of staff involvement, have been well worth it. To our knowledge, we have absolutely no competitors that have an AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000 QA System planned or in place, either fully third party audited or not! This is simply another value-add we give to our clients for nothing but has the potential to add considerable value to their conferences and projects."

"...you told me and I forgot, you showed me and I saw, you involved me and I remembered."

be sure. BRAMSHAW®

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