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G-20 Melbourne and APEC 2007
G-20 Melbourne and APEC 2007
August 26, 2021

All systems go for the G20 week and again for APEC 2007.
Bramshaw ICS' new digital simultaneous interpretation, digital microphone management and remote camera systems were in big demand over the G-20 week in Melbourne.

G20 Finance Ministers Meeting Melbourne 2006

G20 Conference opening by Australian Treasurer, Peter Costello MP

Not only were we contracted to supply the G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank Governors meeting, but also the Energy & Minerals Business Council (EMBC)  hosted by BHP-Billiton.  At the same time we undertook a major conference for Toyota Motor Company for 100 delegates, including the top level management from Japan.

Bramshaw ICS provided sixteen interpreter booths, language receivers and DIGIMIC microphones for the conference, and concurrently we employed our TourGuide system, which allowed simultaneous interpretation for over 100 delegates in four separate groups touring Toyota's Altona Plant.

G20 Interpreter Booths M

G20 remotely located Interpreter Booths and Monitors

The EMBC meeting was an intense program held over two days in two locations which utilised our simultaneous interpretation booths, language receivers and our automated DIGIMIC system.  This high profile international event demanded highly qualified interpreters, which Bramshaw ICS was able to provide in spite of the demands of G-20.

The G-20 Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors attracted over 600 delegates including support personnel, and was the most significant gathering of its kind ever held in Australia.

Quote: “The G-20 meeting was the most important economic and financial forum ever held in Australia”, said our Australian Treasurer, Mr Peter Costello MP.

Bramshaw ICS was asked to facilitate this prestigious event because of its advanced interpretation consoles, remote cameras and CDS-VAN Digital Conference Solutions.

The Brahler CDS-VAN system combines conference audio sources with real-time audio processing using an open architecture.  This results in superior audio quality and allows for multi-function capabilities such as discussion, interpretation, instant voting, hard disc recording, multi-room configuration, camera control, and more.  It is this unique integration and networking capacity that so impressed the organisers of G-20, and makes CDS-VAN the industry's leading conference system.

G20 Interpreters at work.

G20 remotely located interpreters in their Booths

Bramshaw ICS provided 47 CDS-VAN systems for the main G-20 meeting (as used in the UN General Assembly) plus another 80 DIGIMIC units and Tour Guide receivers for satellite meetings.  We supplied and operated two fixed cameras for the main conference room and two of our remote controlled dome cameras with high speed 360 degree pan function (less than 2 seconds) capable of 120 presets, plus zoom and tilt functions.

Remote Interpreters view of the meeting.

G20 remotely located interpreter working with his monitors - room,

current speaker and chair views, all via Monitors

Vision was linked to every delegate's personal computer monitor and remotely linked with visual and audio to 16 remotely located Bramshaw ICS interpreter booths equipped with Brahler DOLV/E digital read out consoles for 32 interpreters providing two way simultaneous interpretation/translation.   Delegates could also, with the click of a mouse, use their monitor to access up to the moment conference minutes and the G20 ever changing agenda.

G20 Leaders at work.

G20 Conference bird's eye view from the technicians control booth.

Despite this massive undertaking over the weekend, Bramshaw ICS still found time to satisfy yet another client at the FAPECA Conference, providing interpretation facilities in three languages for over 50 delegates.

We would like to thank everyone involved in making all these projects undertaken on that high pressure third weekend in November 2006 such a huge success.

"...you told me and I forgot, you showed me and I saw, you involved me and I remembered."

be very sure. BRAMSHAW®

For Australasian enquiries please call Simon Kemp at Bramshaw ICS

on +61 3 8387 1800 or <info@bramshaw.com.au>.

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