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U-Vote mobile phone SMS voting is here!
U-Vote mobile phone SMS voting is here!
August 26, 2021

Bramshaw has added u-Vote SMS voting, texting and more from your mobile phone at conferences
Bramshaw customers can now use their mobile phones to interact at conferences via u-Vote.  Regardless of conference size and location delegates can vote with a simple press of their mobile buttons.

u-Vote - how we do it

For voting up to 64 options may be selected and for texting, judging from audience responses so far, over 240 characters can be typed.  Not just a silly word or expression but full and meaningful sentences.

The system is called Hudle, and is designed and manufactured by Benneway Oy of Finland.  The Hudle machines are located in our office.  In theory an operating technician is not required at the conference.  The savings on fuel, air fares, hotel expenses, Carbon Taxes, etc. are potentially huge.

u-Vote punters

Because of this u-vote was chosen at the recent Green Cities 2011 convention in Melbourne.

To see our screens the customer just connects an internet browser to their laptop with the output connected to a projector and it all happens.

Hudle is the perfect solution for utilising modern mobile technology in marketing and in organising interactive events.  Hudle includes a wide range of tools which allow you to effortlessly utilise mobile technology which supports the overall business operations.  Depending on your needs, you are able to use and to combine all of Hudle’s tools with just one device.  Familiarise yourself with Hudle’s features through the link below.

To see more please go to our website www.hudle.com

For u-Vote demonstrations we do not even have to go to your office - we can talk you through it from our office !  All you need is a mobile, the internet and a computer screen.

One more thing?  You'll love the prices ...

"...you told me and I forgot, you showed me and I saw, you involved me and I remembered."

be sure. BRAMSHAW®

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