Hot Air to cool our climate!
United Nations Climate Change Conference - all sound, PA, Simultaneous Interpretation by UN Webcast - United Nations Climate Change Conference - all sound, PA, Simultaneous Interpretation by Brahler ICS and with the help of Bramshaw ICS DIGIMIC microphones. Brahler ICS Singapore with the help of Bramshaw ICS DIGIMIC microphones. Click here to see our gear in action - live - at this historical conference!
Brähler Singapore is supplying all technical conference systems for the United Nations conference on Climate Change in Baliin December 2007. After a lengthy wait to secure the contract,Brähler Singapore only had 6 weeks to prepare over 25 tonnes of freight for the event which includes, 2x line array PA systems, AMX Robotic Camera systems and Audio Visual Systems for 2x main Plenary Halls, PA systems and AV projection rigs for 38 concurrent meeting rooms in 3 separate venues, over 1,300 DC10 DIGIMIC Conference microphones, 3,600 IRX Infrared Receivers and 40x DOLV based CDSVAN Interpreter systems. The event requires 45x Operations crew together with Project Management teams. All systems and crew will spend 1 month in Bali for the event build up and the event itself. This 13th Conference sees the return of Brähler providing systems to the UNFCCC for another year which extends on an already well formed working relationship.
Want to know more? Please call us on 1800 507 557 or +61 3 8387 1800.
be sure. BRAMSHAW!